Site under construction, new website upcoming August 22, 2024






2024 September Publication, "Where they hide the clouds', NAI Publisers. 



Acid Clouds is an atlas and anthology of datacentres that maps the material traces of virtual data in the Dutch landscape. It scrutinizes the massively resource-intensive and earthbound properties of digital storage, and questions the perception of largescale data repositories as clean, sterile and environmentally-friendly domains.

The book brings together data of more than 100 datacentres across the Netherlands with essays on ecological, architectural, economic, political and digital rights aspects of their operation. These perspectives are accompanied by colourful night-time photographs that unveil data centres as infrastructures of power. 

Authors Ramon Amaro, Füsun Türetken amongst others. Red/eds. Niels Schrader, Jorinde Seijdel







2024, July 16, Interview, "Fantasiemuskel-Podcast #41", Im Gespräch mit Friedrich von Borries, Monopol Magazin


Die Designerin Füsun Türetken erläutert in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Fantasiemuskel-Podcasts, warum die Gestaltung der Zukunft mit Streit beginnt und im Ergebnis möglichst vielstimmig ist

Füsun Türetken studierte Architektur, Urban Studies und Visual Culture, in Deutschland, den USA und England. Sie ist Mitbegründerin der Plattform STRÜKTÜR und derzeit Professorin an gleich zwei Hochschulen im Fachbereich Kunst und Design: an der Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe und an der Kunsthochschule Bremen, dort auf dem Lehrstuhl "Design and the Future". Ob wir die Zukunft wirklich gestalten können oder die Zukunft uns gestaltet, das wollten die beiden Podcaster Friedrich von Borries und Torsten Fremer in der aktuellen Ausgabe von "Fantasiemuskel", dem Monopol-Podcast über Kunst, Wirtschaft und gesellschaftliche Transformation, erfahren.

Die Antwort ist, wie man sich leicht vorstellen kann, nicht einfach. Denn es gibt viele Herausforderungen, mit denen wir uns auseinandersetzen müssen, und auch wenn Türetken verdeutlicht, dass sie kein "Rezept" habe, wie die Zukunft zu gestalten sei, ist für sie doch klar, dass man vor allem streiten müsse. Es gilt, die Übereinkünfte und die Grundannahmen zu hinterfragen: Wir müssen uns, so eines ihrer Beispiele, fragen, was KI und Bots für Auswirkungen auf Demokratie haben. Wie Rassismus und Klimawandel miteinander zusammenhängen.

Und so ist ihre Praxis weniger das Entwickeln von Lösungsvorschlägen, sondern das gemeinsame Suchen, Forschen und Nachdenken im Schreiben und Unterrichten.

Begegnungen und Kooperationen

Ein wichtiges Prinzip von ihr sind dabei Begegnungen und Kooperationen mit anderen, denn die Zukunft ist für sie polyphon, vielstimmig – also das Gegenteil des auktorialen und heroischen Selbstverständnisses, das viele Designer:innen heute noch praktizieren. 

Da Füsun Türetken Gestaltung als etwas Vielschichtiges und Mehrstimmiges versteht, wundert es nicht, dass Polyphonie auch bei ihrem Fantasiemuskel eine Rolle spielt. Denn Füsun Türetken stellt sich vor, dass ihr Fantasiemuskel mit der Stimme, sowohl dem Erzählen von Geschichten als auch dem Gesang zu tun hat, den sie als festen kulturellen Bestandteil im familiären Istanbul kennt. Wie das dann klingt, bleibt der Vorstellungskraft der Zuhörenden überlassen.




2023 Workshop Exhibition, Venice Biennale, 'Utopia as Practice', Upon invitation by Arch+, curatorial team of the German Pavilion 2023. 




2023, October, Artist Talk at Zilberman Gallery, Berlin; Iz Öztat and Füsun Türetken







2022 Publication, 'Neodymium: Superconductive Lifelines for Metallic Monsters' 'UMBAU Journal










Publication 'Gold.Alchemic Desire' 

in Swiss Psychotropic Gold, Nina Bandi & knowbotiq (Eds.), Christoph Merian Verlag, 2020








Humanoid diving robot hunts for sunken treasure in French shipwreck. 'Robot' able to reach depths too dangerous for human divers retrieves vase from wreck Louis XIV's flagship. 




Film Alchemic Desire HNI Fellowship Filmstill

Copyright Images: Füsun Türetken



Talk with HNI Fellow Füsun


Video here
or https://fellows.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/en/file/7577










How to survive socially after the Internet? What will happen to the family with the arrival of smart home technologies in the home? What is contemporary domesticity?

åyr, represented by Octave Perrault and Luis Ortega Govela, will be discussing these topics with Füsun Türetken (visual artist and architect), Peer Illner (writer and theorist), and Jacob Lillemose (curator of X and Beyond).

Sat 19th March 2016 / 2pm
Griffenfeldsgade 27
2200 Copenhagen





Curatorial Work

Opening Opening Opening at Galerie De Kromme Elleboog.

Selected works, Rotterdam February 11-14, 2016


Curatorial Füsun Türetken. Curating Hammana and Brand.



Lawrence Abu Hamdan and Füsun Türetken presenting a performance lecture at Göteborg International Biennale for Contemporary Art, Speak Easy, 4 September 2013, Göteborg, Quai of Broken Dreams. More on www.GIBCA.se




Füsun Türetken, "Disequilibirum", at Göteborg Biennial International Biennial for Contemporary Art

5 September - 7 November 2013






Talk and Project

Füsun Türetken with Burak Arikan Mapping Relations of Funding and Knowlegde

at Former West. Documentations, Constellations, Prospects.
18-24 March 2013. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.

Strand: Infrastructure. Video of talk Here


Workshop Saturday 23 March 2013, 11 am-3pm. Conference Room K2, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
Please register via HKW and graphcommons.



Mapping Relations of Funding and Knowledge

Füsun Türetken with Burak Arikan


While established funding structures that promote architectural, artistic, and scholarly work often remain invisible to the public eye outside of sponsorship acknowledgements, they determine research and knowledge production within contemporary Berlin. Whether or not the resultant adaptation to funding criteria on the part of applicants affects the content of the research, it is clear that between individuals and funding institutions there is a struggle for authority. Independent agents are put in competitions, excluded or included depending on their relationships, and are required to be accountable to the authorities that be. Further, institutions are connected to each other through a variety of interests from sponsorship relations to shared board members to social and professional relationships, all of which contribute to an organization's authority, as well as constitute a larger network of institutions that is itself a super-institution. Relationships that form super-institutions, thus their extra-authority, can be mapped as network diagrams in order to problematize the entanglement of knowledge and economic power structures. On a network map, actors naturally find their position through connecting forces, revealing the central actors, indirect links, organic clusters, structural holes, and outliers. During this workshop (in the context of a closed session with students from Learning Place) and panel we view how clusters of institutions on a map show the super-institutions that have high-power concentrations in neoliberal societies.



This collaborative work departs from previous works done separately by Füsun Türetken and Burak Arikan.





Images from HKW Former West. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 18-24 March 2013

For Video Click Image





Füsun Türetken 2004, Neo-liberal Work and the Art Market

The Neoliberals
Images From: Cultural Entrepreneurs and Their Interim Projects, Frankfurt 2004. Mapping their network. Photographs, Research, Maps and Layout, F.Türetken





Finalist in Competition Kunst am Bau. Neubau Landtag Brandenburg 2012. Potsdam, Germany. More on this site at Competition and Commissioned work and Here



The race for space during cold war



Rises to ashes, Sculpture. 2009. Talk at RAW






Studio ft. Füsun Türetken, Forensic Architecture or other previous works are mentioned here:



Phines Harper, 4 May 2018, Dezeen

"Forensic Architecture winning the Turner Prize would risk turning sensitive investigative work into insensitive entertainment"


Forensic Architecture nominated for Turner Prize 2018

​Mark Brown, 26 April Guardian

Turner prize shortlist pits research agency against film-makers


Salvator Peluso, Domus, 21 October 2017

Dutch Design Week is a chance for design to be discussed with patience and curiosity 


Domus, 1 February 2017

How the Master's Course of the Piet Zwart Institute at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences is rewriting the codes of Interior Architecture.




Modern Love, How do we think about love in the age of online dating?

Broadcasted 13-05-2017 at 11:00, Jajaneeneeradio, Amsterdam, during Fibre Festival 2017



Guardian, 15 March 2011




BBC Turk, 15 March 2011



Haber Pan, 15 March 2011




Ilkehaber, 14. January 2012




Copenhagen Future of Cities, 2007




Updating Germany 2008



Shrinking Cities Tokyo 2006